March 2016

7 Thoughts on Modern Web Writing

March 22, 2016 by

Below is an interesting infographic on modern web writing I found the other day. In it, you see “me” sitting at my desk creating engaging, visitor-centric copy. Because more businesses are getting it, ie, understanding the importance of well written copy to online success, I thought it would be interesting for ...

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‘I Feel That The Current Style of Selling and Communicating is Out-Dated”

March 16, 2016 by

That’s what a millennial marketing analyst in the insurance business said about her experiences with her insurance agent. (Millennials were born in the early 80s to the early 2000s.) She complained that, though he was a nice guy, with his current style of selling he called at the wrong times. And ...

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Internet Marketing is OUR Revolution: 6 Ways to Take Advantage

March 2, 2016 by 1 comment

I caught a lively…and live…meeting on Facebook between internet marketing gurus Gary Vaynerchuk and Seth Godin last week. It was in a conference room at Gary’s office. Apropos of me sitting in on this conversation live on Facebook, a question comes up for Seth, “Where do you think the internet ...

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