Your Business Solutions: The Fun Part of the Plan

September 12, 2017 by

business solutionsCustomers desire your business solutions. They are actively searching online for exactly what you offer. They’re alert, interested, and ready for action. That huge pool of people purposefully Googling for answers is the new natural order…It’s your web tailwind.

So let’s ride that tailwind with a “content first” plan that gets your website found and then engages prospects. In our last post we talked about including in our plan your customer pain points. We pointed out that understanding customers’ problems makes it easier to write content that makes sense to them as they click onto your site.

Remember, we’re not creating content yet with our Content Marketing Plan, we’re thinking more about what to write. Now let’s decide how we’re going to engage our marketplace by clearly communicating our solution.

First off, businesses don’t generally think in terms of “solutions” (though they say it a lot in their marketing copy!). They think in terms of products and services. But for our content marketing plan we want you to “fall in love” with your customers and consider your solution on a deeper level.

Business Solutions as Information

If you have a website, you’re a publisher. And what do publishers do? They declare publicly. They make known to their audience. This newfound ability to publish online with media you own opens tremendous possibilities to teach, to offer information.

So start thinking about solutions in terms of information. That is, answer the questions your prospects bring to their online searches. Your solutions are tips, ideas, and advice offered free on your website, blog, and social media.

For example, in my content marketing plan the problem my prospects face is that their online marketing underperforms. They don’t know the secrets to creating and publishing content that generates profits. So my solution is to offer tips and ideas to help them do just that. You’re reading it right now!

This generosity with your knowledge not only helps your prospects get to know and like you and your brand. It establishes your business as an authority in the marketplace. You are the “go-to” business who has the experience and know-how to get the job done.

So when your prospects are ready to buy, they’ll already have a relationship with you. They’ll feel they know and trust you. You will be first on their mind when the decision is made that after researching and comparing, it’s time to buy.

Business Solutions as Product/Service Features and Benefits

In this section of your Business Solutions chapter, go ahead and list your products and services. But then write down how they help your prospects. What do you do to make people’s lives better?

And expand your thinking here to include the emotional satisfaction people get from using your products/services. For my content writing business, it’s a client’s pride in presenting their business in its best light with professionally written online copy. Plus, their delight with profits from their owned media as they get more leads and sales.

Your Vision for Your Marketplace

Look at the big picture…how does your company contribute, benefit, enrich, protect the lives of your customers? What’s your view of what’s happening in the marketplace? How is the market being deceived? What new developments should people be aware of?

Think about your unique value proposition. When your ideal prospect comes to your website, why should she buy from you rather than any of your competitors? This is especially important when your product/service is readily available from others.

You must think of a broad value proposition that differentiates your business from the competition, but also consider specific service or product value propositions. Why should your customer buy this product rather than any other product?

The [Your Business] Solution…End of Chapter

Can you see how this section of your content marketing plan makes it so much easier to create the sales messages that matter to your marketplace? And with all the million and one things you do each day in your business, isn’t it fun to think about the basic reasons you love helping customers every day?

So now that we’ve thought hard about the information we’re going to offer, our products’ features and benefits, and our vision for our marketplace, it’s time to dive deeper into our buyer personas.

That’s the next chapter in the “book on your business.” More on that to come.

Until next time

PS. Save time by hiring me to help you write your Content Marketing Plan. You’ll enjoy the process as we write the book on your business. I can also help you implement the plan with client attracting copy for your website, social media, and blog.

Previous posts from first to last helping you write the book on your business, your Content Marketing Strategy Plan.

"Content Marketing Plan? Why Bother, It's All in My Head"

9 Brand Story Idea Joggers to Help You Connect

How a Business Model Sets Up Your Content Marketing Campaign

Know Customer Pain Points for Better Content Creation

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