Get Your Free Homepage Audit

April 3, 2013 by

(No Longer Available)

Get a homepage auditWhen you search Google and click on a homepage, you decide instantly whether to stay or click away. It's so easy to search elsewhere if you don't like what you've found.

That's how it is with the Internet! Easy search has changed everything about the way we market online.

So What About Your Homepage?

Homepages often fail because businesses (and designers) don't realize traditional advertising doesn't work online. The Web is visitor-centric, so your pages need special, interactive content.

But the good news is, you can create a homepage that significantly boosts the chances visitors will stick around, get comfortable, and look to your product or service to solve their problem.

You CAN convert visitors to customers with the right messaging. You just need to know the idiosyncrasies of online copy.

I'll Evaluate Your Homepage FREE. Only 15 Slots Available

And that's why I'm offering a FREE homepage audit to the first 15 businesses that respond to this post during April. I'll analyze the 7 critical elements of a visitor-centric homepage. We'll see where yours can be improved for more engaging, better organized content and easier navigation.

I strongly urge you to take advantage of this FREE offer. You'll get immediately actionable tips to improve your homepage and ultimately make more money online.

But the 15 slots will fill up fast, so get in touch right away. I'm only accepting 15 because I really want to give each homepage the attention it deserves.

So, all you have to do is reply here. Put in the subject line, "Free Homepage review" and in the message box, "My URL is ________" That's all there is to it.

Again, click here to get to the contact page to sign up. I'll get right back to you with suggestions that you can use to quickly improve your results online.

Let's start you on the path forward to a successful homepage that engages visitors so they don't click away.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Nick Burns specializes in SEO Web writing, website information architecture, content marketing, consulting, and publishing. Call him at 315.738.1890 or contact here.