Getting Your Website Primed for an Economic Boom

June 16, 2015 by
website ready for economic boom

image courtesy of samarttiw at

My hometown of Utica, NY is getting ready for a big economic boost. New York State has invested billions of dollars in a nanotechnology infrastructure here in Central New York in collaboration with SUNY Polytechnic Institute.

Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale. This is about 1 to 100 nanometers. What? A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. There are about 25,400,000 nanometers in an inch!! We’re talking about working with individual atoms and molecules.

Scientists are finding ways to use materials at the nano level to take advantage of its strength, lighter weight, control of light spectrum and greater chemical reactivity than larger scale counterparts. This technology has applications in medicine, food packaging, and construction materials. Also battery technology, water purification, and even sports equipment.

Nanotechnology is expected to impact global economies to the tune of 2.4 trillion dollars.

So what does this have to do with internet marketing? We were at my oldest son’s wedding last weekend and he told me about his experience online with Utica Nano. He and my brand new daughter-in-law live in Los Angeles and he was checking out the Utica Nano scene online.

He was not impressed. All he found was a page on the SUNY Poly site with a few paragraphs about our governor’s investment in Utica Nano.

This got me thinking…People are searching Utica Nano from all over the world. Once these private/public nano tech partnerships are up and running, thousands of these skilled professionals will end up here with high paying jobs.

Here’s the thing, they don’t know us. They’ve never heard of Utica, NY. If you want their business, you have to create a website that instantly builds a connection.

How to Position Your Website for Your Community's Economic Boom

  1. Make your Homepage visitor-centric. Because your prospects are searching the Web for your product or service, your homepage is not the best place to talk about your company. Your visitors are task oriented and want answers. Keep that in mind with every element of content on your homepage.
  2. Make your Homepage headlines visitor-centric.  Let people now right away what you do and why they should do business with you. Why are you the best? Boring, generic text won't do here. Skip feel good words that don't relate specifically to what you really offer your customers.
  3. Add clear, descriptive, and useful intro text to your Homepage. You probably can't tell your visitors everything in the headline. Support it with clear, descriptive, and, most importantly, useful introductory text. Write your content as if every visitor is new to your website. Your returning visitors will cut you slack with info they already know. New visitors will click away if they can't figure out your purpose right away.
  4. Organize your site into topics or categories. Most of my clients offer more than one product or service. Make it easy for visitors to find the one product you offer that they need.
  5. Make your Sales/Product Pages benefits rich. When you mention a feature give your visitor its benefit so they will know you have the answer they're looking for.
  6. Don't use manufacturer supplied product descriptions. It's much harder to get found online if your website has the same content as every other distributor out there. Plus, your prospects want to know about how you view your products.
  7. Make the content in your About Us pages personal and conversational. Let your visitors get to know you. Your vision, experience, and approach to helping them solve their problems.
  8. Make contact information easy to find. Get phone number and email up into the header if you can. Get calls to action on each page so it's a breeze to get in touch.

There are 8 things my Utica business community can look at to get their website primed for our upcoming economic boom. These will help you get found, keep visitors on your site, and get them to call. I can't wait for great things to happen to us here in Utica. And here's to you wherever you are that you will also enjoy a resurgent prosperity and jobs in your community. Point is...Be Ready!

Until next time,


Nick Burns is an SEO web writer specializing in persuasive copywriting and content marketing. He provides clients a winning strategy plus the special web writing to make it work. You can contact Nick here.