Content Audit

Find Out EXACTLY Where Your Content Can Improve to Drive Traffic, Engage Visitors, and Convert Leads to Sales

Do you need a content audit?

If you’re a business owner or marketing manager and you’re thinking of a website makeover, then you probably wonder why your site isn’t working.

Why doesn’t it generate the sales you expected? How does it stack up to the competition? Why can’t your audience find it in the search engines?

And, ultimately, what changes need to be made so your business can reap the benefits of a successful website?

Before spending time getting bids on expensive design changes, let me first help you get an accurate handle on exactly what’s wrong with your site’s content and navigation.

Let’s get you in the driver’s seat with a Website Accelerator Content Audit…

Discover Content Strengths and Barriers to Success…What’s Working and What’s Not Working

As we audit your website, we'll analyze how your content performs as an online sales force.

How does your content read? How does it guide people thru the sales process? How clear is it? Does it drive visitors to action? Additionally, we’ll look at how the content is positioned to attract people in the search engines. Does it beat out your competition in page ranking?

You will get a thorough set of recommendations for fixing the content elements that are not working well.

It may turn out that you don’t need to redesign your website after all! Quality web content is so powerful that tweaks or even a major rewrite do not necessarily mean you need a complete design change to succeed online.

Your Site Content Audit Will Include

• Message review of Homepage and Sub-Pages. This includes clarity and customer focus in headlines, subhead, and body copy. Also scanability, tone, active vs. passive language, and readability.

• SEO and keyword use in text, page title, and meta description. Includes keyword review on sample pages.

• 35 Point Usability Checklist

• The 5 C’s of Content that Works

• Screen shots with notes pointing out areas for improvement.

• Definitions to help you understand internet marketing jargon you’ll need to know.

• Recommendations

• Summary

Enlightened business owners and marketing managers are starting to realize they must make a major change in approach to their online marketing. It has become clear to them that relevant, clear, and sales-focused content is becoming "must have." Customer-centric content is the foundation for online marketers to reach their intended audiences.

If you are ready for a website redesign, let your sales messages drive the design by getting your content elements in place ahead of time.


You may just want to improve the effectiveness of your content and stick with your current site. (Maybe you just had it revamped. It looks good, but it isn’t living up to expectations.)

Either way, let’s get you in the driver’s seat with a professional website accelerator content audit from NKB Marketing.


1-5 pages, $250
6-10 pages, $500.
11-25 pages, $1,000

Let's get started