Two Essential Web Copy Insights from Business in the Old Days

May 19, 2020 by

web copy insightsI specialize in a new kind of content. But in many ways it’s really a descendant of an ancient, almost lost way of doing business. You’ll still see that old way in restaurants, hair salons, and liquor stores. But not in many other places.  Two web copy insights from those "ancient" times can be a big help with your site.

I grew up in the 60s. Essential services like hardware, grocery, and clothing were provided by locally owned businesses. When you had questions about what they offered, you walked into their store and asked the owners. Then you either bought on the spot or went back when you were ready.

Thing is, these business owners never talked about themselves. They focused on helping their customers.

I made this infographic to help you improve your website with just two of the insights you can glean from that old way of doing business…

web copy insights

Two web copy insights: on your home page and product/service pages answer questions, be the expert. Save the talk about your company for the About Us pages.

Until next time,

I'm a web content writer specializing in natural conversions without jargon, hype, or high pressure. Subscribe to my email for tips, strategies, and online writing secrets. Also, if you Like my Facebook page, you’ll get content marketing ideas from experts all over the internet.