Develop Your Own Vocabulary and More L’Emricks from the Stanley Cup

May 10, 2014 by
Develop your own vocabulary

Mike "Doc" Emrick

If you’re an “authority website” in the eyes of your audience, not only are you generous in publishing the info, ideas, and insights your audience is looking for, but you should also be creating your own vocabulary. You take certain words and make them your own.

For example, I like to say to clients, “I can help you build an authority website with a content first approach.” I’ve taken the phrases “Authority Website” and “Content First” and made them part of the language of NKB Marketing.

So in the spirit of a great sports spectacle, the NHL’s Stanley Cup Playoffs, and creating your own vocabulary, let’s have some fun with a few more “L’Emricks” from the lead announcer for the NHL, Mike “Doc” Emrick. Doc’s way with language has elevated him to icon status in the sports announcing world. And deservedly so!


The Doc Emrick Glossary of Hockey Game Phrases (L’Emricks)

“Good luck with the Parkway East at 5 O’clock”: Player trying to stickhandle through a crowd at center ice.

“He’s a Doberman, after all.”: A player who frequently fights.

“That’s a 10 for the compulsories.”: Figure skating-like ability stick handling the puck while skating backwards.

“A little extra that’s going to have to be lectured.”: Referee talking to players mixing it up before a face off.

“And there’s more afterwards!”: Fight after the end of the game.

“22,000 are here watching this close battle. They are all referees.”: Fans loudly booing a call against the home team.

“As three teams shuffle.”: Two players from opposing teams and the referee assigned to break it up all appear to be fighting.

And more L’Emricks from my previous post:

“A drive!!!!!”: Slap shot toward the goal

“A shaaaaaawt!: Any other shot on goal

“And a little extra”: A fight breaking out

“Some head hunting”: Shooting the puck at the goalie’s head

“Trouble with the handle”: A player losses the puck while stick handling (dribbling).

“Angled up the boards”: A pass from one player to another bounced off the boards.

“Trouble checking with the stripes”: Running into a referee

Insert player’s name here will be freed in 30 seconds”: penalty over in 30 seconds.

“Filtered on through”: Successful pass through multiple opposing players to teammate

“Driven through traffic”: A shot through a group of opposing players.

Watch the action during the next few weeks and let us know the L’Emricks you hear in the comments section below. Be sure to give us the L'Emrick PLUS the definition as best as you can determine it.  Look forward to hearing from you!

Until next time,

Nick Burns specializes in SEO Web Writing, website information architecture, content marketing, consulting, and publishing. You can contact Nick here for help with your internet marketing.