
So Let’s Start Driving Traffic and Generating Leads

June 28, 2016 by

If you’ve read my last three posts, you’re getting the idea that traditional advertising doesn’t work on the Web. Old ads or brochures pasted onto your website won’t drive traffic or generate leads.

You also know that the World Wide Web was invented so people could share information, views, and ...

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The Click Away Web and How to Get People to Stay

June 7, 2016 by

If your website visitors don’t find what they’re looking for, they will click away. Think about your last Google search online (this morning?). You wanted relevant information fast. Right?

Well, so do your website visitors. It’s not like driving 5 miles to the store, finding out you don’t like the ...

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Your Online Audience is Alert, Task Oriented, and Wants to Find You

May 31, 2016 by

This is so different from traditional advertising. To “get” the Web, you must understand that you’re not pushing your message out onto a largely disinterested audience. Your online audience is actually searching for exactly what you’re selling at the moment they want it. Talk about hot prospects!

In this my ...

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The Web Was Born for Pull Marketing

May 24, 2016 by

The power of the internet flows from its history and the reasons it was invented in the first place. What I want to do in this and the next few posts is to help you “get” the nature of the Web. If you understand it, you can create content for ...

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So You Want to Start an Internet Marketing Campaign? 5 Things to Know First

April 13, 2016 by 2 comments

The advice you're getting from your trade associations and marketing seminars leads you to your first internet marketing campaign. They say to get on Facebook where your audience is. Use search engine optimization to get your website found. Email to stay in touch. Blog to create content for your content marketing. ...

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7 Thoughts on Modern Web Writing

March 22, 2016 by

Below is an interesting infographic on modern web writing I found the other day. In it, you see “me” sitting at my desk creating engaging, visitor-centric copy. Because more businesses are getting it, ie, understanding the importance of well written copy to online success, I thought it would be interesting for ...

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‘I Feel That The Current Style of Selling and Communicating is Out-Dated”

March 16, 2016 by

That’s what a millennial marketing analyst in the insurance business said about her experiences with her insurance agent. (Millennials were born in the early 80s to the early 2000s.) She complained that, though he was a nice guy, with his current style of selling he called at the wrong times. And ...

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Internet Marketing is OUR Revolution: 6 Ways to Take Advantage

March 2, 2016 by 1 comment

I caught a lively…and live…meeting on Facebook between internet marketing gurus Gary Vaynerchuk and Seth Godin last week. It was in a conference room at Gary’s office. Apropos of me sitting in on this conversation live on Facebook, a question comes up for Seth, “Where do you think the internet ...

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Google Dropping Ads on Right Side of Desktop Search

February 23, 2016 by

Last Friday, February 19, 2016, Google confirmed to that they will no longer display text ads in the right column of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). You can confirm that now by searching on your desktop. Notice no ads on the right side and, depending on your search, more at ...

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5 Common Types of Web Pages & How To Profit From Them

February 17, 2016 by

Lingo gets thrown around in every industry, including the types of web pages in website content optimization. We’re all familiar with a Homepage, but do you know what its two most important jobs are? And how is a Landing Page different from a Sales Page? (Who the heck knows what ...

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