Content Writing Tips

Writing copy for the Web is completely different from traditional advertising. With the old-school approach, your company pushes its message helter skelter out into the marketplace. But online your prospects find you through the search engines!

And, when visitors arrive on your website, they’ll click away fast if your copy doesn’t engage them and answer their questions. Even if you do have clear, engaging copy, you still have to move your visitors to action.

That’s a lot to ask of your online copy.

These tips will help you write the special content you need to be successful on the Web. Most are easy to do and immediately actionable.

The Secret that Drives Winning Web Content

October 2, 2010 by 8 comments

The secret to winning Web content...seems like a pretty good place to start my first blog post. I'll be sharing information with you about how your business or non-profit can use the Internet to get prospects and customers to buy, donate, subscribe, or call.

So, here we go...

Have you ...

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