image courtesy of Lamnee/freedigitalphotos.net
The internet was born to share. It started with the government and evolved to include research universities where professors, scientists, and students connected with each other on their computers.
They shared information, opinions, and, no doubt, a few laughs in text only mode from one computer to another. Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first HTML language and created hyperlinks, domain names, and URL so that his fellow scientists could easily look at each others work on their computers.
And the sharing was free. Nothing expected in return, no cover price for research papers, no ads hyping your text over someone else. Just fellowship with your colleagues to everyone’s benefit.
Reminds me of Thanksgiving…no gifts, no costly decorations, no gaudy commercial buildup. Just come to dinner and share, tell stories, and connect with each other.
After posting over 30 tips and ideas to my blog since January, it occurs to me that we marketers can feel good about a lot this year. We get to tell our stories on the most powerful communication medium ever invented, the World Wide Web. Like family, the web brings us closer to a motivated, interested audience.
And the Web itself is still free! No printing, postage, or design costs. Just add a page and type away.
Thanksgiving is like that, too. No presents to buy. Maybe some transportation costs but over all, a pretty inexpensive holiday.
But more than that, it is a day of talking, laughing, and sharing. For my wife and I, advice to the college age and older kids, stories of times past, and news as to what all of the aunts, uncles, great aunts, cousins, in-laws, brothers, sisters, and for me, my 89-year-old Mom, are up to these days.
It’s a blast, it doesn’t cost much, and that dinner is the most delicious feast of the year!
So enjoy your time with friends and family this year. Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time,
PS. What am I most thankful for? All the women in my life who make Thanksgiving (and every day) so wonderful. I watch the Detroit Lions while my wife, Suzy, and her sisters and this year my daughter Kate makes our exquisite dinner. Us men are truly lucky on Thanksgiving!
Nick Burns is an SEO web writer specializing in persuasive copywriting and content marketing. He provides clients a winning strategy plus the content writing to make it work. You can contact Nick here.