The Nightly News & the Amazing Frightening Power of the Internet

July 15, 2015 by
power of the internet

image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

You can’t help notice that my new man on Nightly News, Lester Holt, leads practically every story with, “Fueled by social media” and “Inspired by their websites” so and so did such and such.

The internet fuels the news in all its glory and horror. That’s how powerful and ubiquitous it has become.

For example…

Lowering a Symbol of Oppression in South Carolina
Would South Carolina’s Confederate battle flag have crept shamefully down its pole at the state capital without the internet? Racist murders happen, though the one in South Carolina was especially egregious. But if photos of the murderer wrapped in the Confederate flag weren’t shown all over the internet on blogs and social media, would it have been thought of as a symbol of racist oppression to this extent?

If the photos weren’t available online, the police might have them, they may even have found their way into some local newspapers. But the instantaneous power of the internet burned the truth about racial oppression into our consciousness. South Carolinians reacted and took the thing down within weeks.

The internet turned into a power of good in the world.

The Horror of ISIS
Imagine this brutal movement growing without the internet. Who would even think about joining what would look like a rag tag, murderous criminal gang in the wilds of the Iraqi desert? How would it look attractive to anyone? But it turns out ISIS is an expert internet marketer. They find their niche in disenfranchised youth (and probably everyday criminal minds) and over time lure them as friends on Facebook and other social media.

Then the content on their propaganda filled websites gets into their heads like mental telepathy. Promises of power and glory draw recruits to the cause. And horrible videos of cruelty instill fear in the whole world.

The internet turned into a power of evil in the world.

Instant Connections and Information
I miss Brian Williams each night, but I like Lester Holt a lot. But whatever your favorite news broadcast, if you watch any, count the ways the internet powers world events. From Donald Trump’s quickly surging poll numbers after taking on the those “rapist” Mexicans to the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised at the end of the program for people “Making a Difference,” it’s the instant connections with people and information on the internet that fuels our world today.

When it comes to your business, you can harness that power, too. But in the context of this post, why not think seriously about the community causes you’re involved in. How can your favorite non-profits generate good will, good works, and funding using the most powerful communications medium ever invented.

What are the causes you’re most passionate about? Could they better use online marketing to spread the word and fulfill their mission? Let us know your thoughts in the space below.

Until next time,

Nick Burns is an SEO web writer specializing in persuasive copywriting and content marketing. He provides clients a winning content strategy plus the special web writing to make it work. You can contact Nick here.